There are many advantages to earning a Project Management Professional (PMP) certification. The obvious benefit of having any certification is that employers or peers can see that you know a certain subject and that you are proficient in its application. However, with the PMP certification, there are so many benefits to training yourself with the skills a management position requires. Even if you are a lower level employee with numerous people you report to, having a PMP certification will train you to close projects from a manger's perspective, and will show your employer that you are rising in your ambitions and skills. 

Having a PMP certification lets potential employers know that you have the basic skills required to manage a project. These skills include being able to start a project from scratch. You have to be able to plan the resources a project will require, in man power, the engineer expertise the project will require, and expenses each project will likely incur along its path to completion. You also should know how to actually execute a plan, and how to monitor and control it. A true manager should be able to report on the current successes and failures of the project, and should be able to report on how well the project is doing. If a project starts getting behind schedule, a professional manager should be able to report that to his superior. Every plan has a few hitches, no matter how much foresight has been put into it, and any plan is useless if a manger is unwilling to put in the time necessary to make sure it reaches every deadline. Finally, a PMP certified professional should 
be able to finish the project, meaning that the end result or product has been completed or delivered, and the human resources engaged in the project have finally moved to another project. 

The training you will gain from a PMP certification will help you focus and complete the tasks assigned to you faster, and will make you a more valuable asset no matter where you go. Your current employer will see you as more valuable, and any future employer or manager will see you as someone that will be able to take over any project to its completion. The Project Management Professional certification is one of the best certifications you can take to help boost your career, and is a certification that will give you many skills and training you may need for the rest of your life.

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